Sittercity’s mission has always been to make child care finally work. However, we understand that a crucial part of that mission is dependent on parents having the resources to pay for child care.

We know working parents need reliable child care in order to bring their best to work and society every day. We’re living in a time with more parents in the workforce than ever before—driven by the rise of women at all levels.

Running for Public Office

One area in which women are continuing to strive for equity in representation is within public office. For every woman in political office, in the United States, there are 3 men. When considering the inequality, it’s important to think about how the barrier of child care could impact those who are driven to give back to our country through public service.

Running for office requires long and odd hours. Sometimes campaign events are during the day, sometimes they run late into the night. Schedules are constantly shifting as the campaign progresses. Candidates need a team of people to help them manage all of the moving parts of a campaign, let alone their personal responsibilities to their families. The family of a candidate running for office, needs a support team, just like the campaign.

Paying for Child Care

When you work a standard job in the private sector, you work for a paycheck. With that paycheck, you’re able to contribute to any child care-related needs freely. When you’re running for office, you’re financially supported by campaign funds—which aren’t allowed to be used for child care in most states.

That is why Sittercity supports measures that allow campaign funds to be leveraged for child care expenses. Measures like SB0033 and HB4230 in our home state of Illinois, that would enable campaign funds to be extended to child care-related expenses that are “necessary for the fulfillment of political, governmental, or public policy duties, activities or purposes.”

Most states’ laws are silent on the issue of allowing campaign funds for campaign-related child care expenses. Of the 13 states which currently allow or have allowed campaign funds for child care, only four states have solidified these measures into law.

Not allowing campaign funds to be used for a basic necessity like child care prevents everyday folks from being involved and contributing a broader perspective to our public discourse.

If you live in Illinois, please consider contacting your representative and voice your support for both bills which are currently being reviewed.

Sittercity is committed to the fight to expand child care access. We firmly believe child care should be considered a necessity, not a luxury.

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