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Katherine T., Care Companion in Shelton, CT 06484 with 9 years paid experience

Katherine T. Care Companion in Shelton, CT 06484

Looking for part-time work as a care companion.

Huntington, CT

9 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Home Care Rates $13 per hour

Katherine’s Bio

I am a kind caring compassionate person. My main experience has been with taking care of family members from my mom to my dad before they. I also took care of and my brother-in-law who were ill before they passed. Also worked for always best care of Woodbury Connecticut for a local elderly woman in Monroe Connecticut I have a reference letter from the daughter-in-law. Her mother-in-law had early stages of Alzheimer her illness increased where she had to go into a nursing home. I would go there and make her breakfast or lunch whatever was needed I would sit with her and we would talk she was very sweet gentle lady. She always insisted that I sit down and have breakfast with her or lunch she love to talk. I also on occasion did laundry if needed to help out the daughter-in-law I would help her pick out clothes to get dressed if we were going out. In the beginning I would take her out shopping but then as she progressed with her illness she was unable to. I would also take her to St Joseph's Manor in Trumbull once or twice a week where they had an Alzheimer patient get together
They would do various things like have lunch or do crafts or just sit and chat and then her daughter-in-law would pick her up on her way home from. Occasionally I would watch her on a weekend Saturday or maybe Sunday if family was going to be going. I found it very rewarding because I don't think that our seniors who have conditions are really remembered and they should be remembered because they have a lot to offer and a lot of stories to tell and I just used to love and sit and chat with her thank you.


Age Specific Experience

9 years paid experience with:

  • 55 to 64 years old
  • 65 to 74 years old
  • Over 85 years old

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Conversation and companionship
  • Meal preparation
  • Light housekeeping
  • Laundry and linen changes

Experience with providing personal care services:

  • Dressing

Experience with providing individualized services:

  • Grooming Guidance
  • Assistance with Pets

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Short term (1 to 3 months)

Job Duration

  • Willing to consider a part time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 7/31/17

  • Open availability on weekdays (M-F)


Bernice C. is a reference for Katherine T. Relationship: Friend
Donna Z. is a reference for Katherine T. Relationship: Friend
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Katherine T.
Katherine T.
Huntington, CT 06484

years experience

Home Care Rates $13 per hour

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