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Jennifer G., Care Companion in Carpentersville, IL 60110 with 0 years paid experience

Jennifer G. Care Companion in Carpentersville, IL 60110

Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.

Carpentersville, IL (Carpentersville, IL • 20 miles away | will travel 10 mi)

0 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Rating Average rating of 5 (1 review)


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (1)
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2 star  
1 star  

Jen is the most honest, patient, caring, nurturing, and experienced people I've ever met in reguards to children...

- Emily D.
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Home Care Rates $15 per hour

Jennifer’s Bio

Hello! My name is Jennifer Grzelak. I am 46. I've been in the suburbs of Chicago my whole life (except for college). I was a stay-at-home mother for many years, and I know that caring for others is what I truly enjoy doing. Working in the corporate world and then working as a Mother "at home" was what changed my mind on how I wanted to spend my time, if financially possible. Being at home, I was able to of course care for my own 2 children, but also travel to visit all 4 of my grandparents when they needed visiting (from 1996 to 2012). I don't get queasy over things that are hard to look at. I am patient and I like to listen.


Age Specific Experience

0 years paid experience with:

  • 65 to 74 years old
  • 75 to 84 years old
  • Over 85 years old

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Conversation and companionship
  • Social activities
  • Shopping

Experience with providing personal care services:

  • Dressing

Experience with providing individualized services:

  • Medication Administration
  • Medication Assistance
  • Medication Management
  • Grooming Guidance
  • Assistance with Pets
  • Meal Planning
  • Nutrition Education
  • Mobility Training

Willing to run errands

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Short term (1 to 3 months)
  • Temporary (4 to 12 months)
  • Permanent (1 to 2 years)
  • Permanent (2 or more years)
  • On call (as needed)

Job Duration

  • Willing consider either a part time or full time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 8/16/16

  • Open (all day, everyday)


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (1)
4 star  
3 star  
2 star  
1 star  

Jen is the most honest, patient, caring, nurturing, and experienced people I've ever met in reguards to children. There's no replacement for someone watching your children than another mother, especially one who goes out of her way to make activities, mealtimes, learning, playing more creative and enriching than most people. She often time, even when not "working" to offer help/support/rides,etc.whenever we needed it.I will always look to her for guidance when faced with mothering questions, for her patience is unmatched, as is her genuine passion for helping others. I've never met someone so invested in helping do all she can to encourage the healthy growth of my daughter. She is talked about every day at our house, even though we don't get to see her as often as we used to! I would love someone to ask me for a reference for her, but I may keep them on the phone for hours bragging about how in awe of her as a caregiver, friend, and family member she will always be to us. much love and aloha, emily and amaya dietz

- Emily D.


Tom V. is a reference for Jennifer G. Relationship: Family
Sandra H. is a reference for Jennifer G. Relationship: Family
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Jennifer G.
Jennifer G.
Carpentersville, IL 60110

years experience

Home Care Rates $15 per hour

  • Basic background check

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