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Melissa S., Care Companion in Rockville, MD 20850 with 10 years paid experience

Melissa S. Care Companion in Rockville, MD 20850

Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.

  • First aid certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    First aid certification

  • CPR certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    CPR certification

Rockville, MD (Rockville, MD • 7 miles away | will travel 10 mi)

10 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Rating Average rating of 1 (1 review)


1 out of 5 stars

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1 star  (1)

We used Mel a couple time for just a few hours of sitting our pets and it seemed fine. Then we used her for a w...

- Sherry R.
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Home Care Rates $10 per hour

Melissa’s Bio

I've over 10 years experience as a Social Worker in the medical field.  Often times assisting with patient mobility, meal set up, orgainizing patient belongings, and whatever else a patient needed while I was in their room.


Age Specific Experience

10 years paid experience

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Conversation and companionship
  • Meal preparation
  • translation missing:

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Temporary (4 to 12 months)
  • Permanent (1 to 2 years)
  • Permanent (2 or more years)

Job Duration

  • Willing consider either a part time or full time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 12/12/15

  • Open availability on weekdays (M-F)

Skills & Abilities

Languages Spoken

  • English


1 out of 5 stars

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1 star  (1)

We used Mel a couple time for just a few hours of sitting our pets and it seemed fine. Then we used her for a weekend and it was a mess. Now in all fairness one of our adopted dogs (we have 4) was from a very abusive home and he can be difficult to get to go outside as he tends to hide under the bed, but Mel was well aware of this issue. We went away for the weekend and as near as we can tell she left that dog locked up in our bedroom all weekend (the poop and pee was all over the room). I say as near as I can tell because Mel was not here when we returned as we had thought she would be. Now Mel knew she could call us while we were away if she had any problems and we would return home, but she never called either my wife or I (nor any of the other emergency contacts we left her). Additionally, she made no effort to contact us after our return until after I finally called her. She never came the next day as she told my wife she would do to collect her money and return our key. As a result after a few days I changed the front door lock. About a month later, when we were away, she apparently stopped by long enough to toss the key on our front porch. Now like I say, that one dog is difficult to deal with (not mean or anything like that, just scared of people and therefore hides), but clearly her decision making and actions were not that of the type person that I would want leave in charge of the care of my pets.

- Sherry R.
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Melissa S.
Melissa S.
Rockville, MD 20850

years experience

Home Care Rates $10 per hour

  • First aid training

  • CPR certification

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