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Toni L., Care Companion in Brick, NJ 08724 with 10 years paid experience

Toni L. Care Companion in Brick, NJ 08724

Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.

  • CPR certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    CPR certification

Brick, NJ (Brick, NJ • 24 miles away | will travel 25 mi)

10 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Rating Average rating of 5 (1 review)


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (1)
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1 star  

Toni is a wonderful babysitter. She babysat my 7 month old son for a week and I could not have asked for a bette...

- Sophia H.
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Home Care Rates $10 per hour

Toni’s Bio

i enjoy helping people in any capacity i can!i am a natural born caring person.i never turn down a challenge whatever it involves.i care for all age groups.infant to senior!trying to make peoples lives more enjoyable.have been blessed with so much!want to give back!


Age Specific Experience

10 years paid experience

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Conversation and companionship

Availability & Job Preferences

Job Duration

  • Willing consider either a part time or full time position


My availability is valid through 12/31/13

  • Open (all day, everyday)


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (1)
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2 star  
1 star  

Toni is a wonderful babysitter. She babysat my 7 month old son for a week and I could not have asked for a better sitter. She was caring, gentle, patient and punctual. My son is not easy, but she never lost her patience.

I work from home and I could hear Toni as she watched my son. As a mother I would not recommend her if I did not trust her. She was amazing!

- Sophia H.


Meghan G. is a reference for Toni L.
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Toni L.
Toni L.
Brick, NJ 08724

years experience

Home Care Rates $10 per hour

  • CPR certification

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