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Eileen L., Care Companion in Nanuet, NY 10954 with 5 years paid experience

Eileen L. Care Companion in Nanuet, NY 10954

Looking for part-time work as a care companion.

Nanuet, NY

5 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Rating Average rating of 1 (1 review)


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Unreliable, I started my new job and on day three she never showed up. No call or text to say I’m not coming. I ...

- Aiysha I.
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Home Care Rates $20 per hour
$15 per half day
$20 per full day
$20 per week
$20 per month

Eileen’s Bio

I use to take care of grandpa because he got diagnosed with asthma and had a Machine breathe for him . Whenever he needed me to take him to the doctor I was always there to take him . But I don’t care for him anymore because my cousin wanted to take care of him so now she does it and I miss taking care of him because it was a nice job and fun always laughing and cracking jokes .


Age Specific Experience

5 years paid experience with:

  • 55 to 64 years old

Experience with providing basic care services:

  • Safety supervision
  • Meal preparation
  • Medication reminders
  • Social activities
  • Light housekeeping
  • Exercise/Physical activities
  • Shopping

Experience with providing personal care services:

  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Feeding and special diet

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Permanent (2 or more years)

Job Duration

  • Willing to consider a part time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 6/9/21

  • Open availability on weekdays (M-F)

Skills & Abilities

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish


1 out of 5 stars

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1 star  (1)

Unreliable, I started my new job and on day three she never showed up. No call or text to say I’m not coming. I hired her on 12/16/21. And she started working on 1/3/22 , she had enough time to let me know she don’t want the job so I can continue looking for another person. Not professional at all. She is not mature at all. Only wants to work 2-4 hours. But most jobs on Sittercity and is for working parents that work a 9-5pm or 8-4pm shift. So basically for a parent working 9am she would have to be there around 8am or earlier depends how far that parent have to travel to work and same for parent work start at 8am, she would if to be there 7am.and her shift won’t finish until 5pm or 6pm when that parent gets back home , which is 10hours total . EILEEN worked 10 hours 1/4/22 for me and 1/3/22 worked 8hours . And she said those hours are too long which I mention and to her on 12/16/21 EILEEN DOES WANT to DOES NOT WANT TO WORK ONLY 2-4 hours.

- Aiysha I.


Ashly L. is a reference for Eileen L. Relationship: Family
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Eileen L.
Eileen L.
Nanuet, NY 10954

years experience

Home Care Rates $20 per hour
$15 per half day
$20 per full day
$20 per week
$20 per month

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