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Evelyn M., Care Companion in Staten Island, NY 10314 with 9 years paid experience

Evelyn M. Care Companion in Staten Island, NY 10314

Looking for part-time work as a care companion.

Staten Island, NY

9 years paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Home Care Rates $18 per hour

Evelyn’s Bio

My love for animals began at a very early age. There hasn’t been a time in my life when pets weren’t a part of it.I am a pet owner and animal lover.Today I am a proud pet Mom to a small male Pomeranian, 1 year old . Over the years, friends and family have entrusted their precious pets in my care because they trusted my abilities and knew that I would treat their pets as I would my own. I provide Dog Walking, Daily Visits, Potty Breaks, Dog Park Trips. Extended Overnights & Around the Clock Care. Clean animals and surroundings and I Follow owner instructions on animal needs. Assure their happiness while they are away from their owners. Do any medical assistance the dogs may need while apart from their owners.
Stay in private homes and care for animals for anywhere from overnights, a long weekend to an extended vacation of a week or more.
Take dogs on walks, outdoor activities to the dog parks.
Responsible for cleaning and grooming clients dogs.
Responsible for feedings according to the owner's schedules and methods of care. Taking phone calls from clients and new clients. Making schedules for pick-ups or drop-offs. I am an energetic undergraduate student and look forward to meeting your pets!


Age Specific Experience

9 years paid experience

Willing to run errands

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Short term (1 to 3 months)
  • Temporary (4 to 12 months)
  • Permanent (1 to 2 years)
  • Permanent (2 or more years)
  • On call (as needed)

Job Duration

  • Willing to consider a part time position
  • Available to start on 5/21/2017


My availability is valid through 8/17/17

  • Weekday Early Morning
  • Weekday Evenings
  • Weekends Daytime
  • Weekends Evenings

Skills & Abilities

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Spanish


Eura G. is a reference for Evelyn M. Relationship: Client
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Evelyn M.
Evelyn M.
Staten Island, NY 10314

years experience

Home Care Rates $18 per hour

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