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Julia B., Care Companion in Cleveland, OH 44124 with 1 year paid experience

Julia B. Care Companion in Cleveland, OH 44124

Looking for full or part-time work as a care companion.

  • First aid certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    First aid certification

  • CPR certification

    Certification is self-reported and not verified.

    Verify directly with the sitter.

    CPR certification

Cleveland, OH (Cleveland, OH • 21 miles away | will travel 25 mi)

1 year paid experience

Last signed in: More than 6 months

Rating Average rating of 5 (3 reviews)


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (3)
4 star  
3 star  
2 star  
1 star  

Julia has been such a gift to our family of 2 toddlers. I cannot even begin to describe all of which makes her ...

- Leslie H.
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Home Care Rates $20 per hour

Julia’s Bio

I am your experienced '' Caregiver'' providing up to 24 hour care in the comfort of
your  own home, at affordable rates.  I will develop an individualized program to
manage your daily needs. My services makes it possible for clients to remain living
in their homes instead of being placed in a nursing home or institutional facility.


Age Specific Experience

1 year paid experience

Availability & Job Preferences

Availability Duration

Prefers to provide visiting care

  • Permanent (2 or more years)

Job Duration

  • Willing consider either a part time or full time position
  • Start date is flexible


My availability is valid through 11/4/16

  • Open (all day, everyday)

Skills & Abilities

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Other


5 out of 5 stars

5 star  (3)
4 star  
3 star  
2 star  
1 star  

Julia has been such a gift to our family of 2 toddlers. I cannot even begin to describe all of which makes her "perfect" (coined by my father who had close interaction with her daily work with our children). She is truly an exceptional nanny, the kind which we didn't know existed any more.

We utilized Julia's nanny service for a 1 week period while my husband and I were traveling, our first time leaving our children. She put our minds at ease, and has even allowed us to consider another trip away again soon.

Where to start when describing all that Julia encompasses. She is an absolutely cheerful and positive woman always, and seems to spread a trail of smiles wherever she goes. She is diligent, reliable, funny, creative, playful, and incredibly nurturing, caring for my children as if they were her own. She went well above and beyond what our expectations were of her as a nanny, and her attention to detail in her care was superior, including a detailed journal that she kept of what our children did each day, so that we didn't feel as if we had missed a moment.

Julia has significant experience with children and was able to handle any situation that arose with finesse and savyness, including boundless energy to run after 2 toddlers in different directions all day. Julia came every day prepared with different crafts to enrich them, and balanced our childrens' minds and bodies with outdoor play as well as imaginative play, music, and arts and crafts.

She was supportive and helpful to us as parents and individuals as well and her professionalism and consideration were excellent. Julia also helped care for our dog, keeping her well exercised and playful.

We are so fortunate that Julia has stepped into the lives of our family. She is a truly beautiful woman, a gem of a find, and a modern day Mary Poppins. I happily give her the most glowing of reviews. Please feel free to contact me I can be of any more assistance.

- Leslie H.

Julia was our family's nanny for 10 months. She worked very hard for us and became a part of our family. She went above and beyond her duties of childcare and helped us around the house so that we could go to work "with a song in our hearts", as she used to say. She wanted to make our lives carefree so that we could enjoy our free time with our young children. If we hadn't moved out of the area, we would certainly have kept her as our nanny. I would be happy to talk further about Julia's competence, experience and dedication. Please email me at

- Lopa H.

I left one review for Julia already, but I saw that my email address does not show up. Please contact Julia through sittercity. She will know how to reach me, and I will happily be a reference for her.

- Lopa H.
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Julia B.
Julia B.
Cleveland, OH 44124

years experience

Home Care Rates $20 per hour

  • Basic background check

  • Enhanced background check

  • Motor vehicle records check

  • First aid training

  • CPR certification

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