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Companion for our elderly mother with dementia.

Posted by Karen C. on 4/7/2024

  • $27.00 per hour

We're looking for someone to occasionally assist with bathing, dressing and grooming. Possibly a once a week outing to get nails done, go for a coffee or maybe just lunch. Some weeks all she needs is a cup of tea and a movie companion.
There is a family outing that she needs an escort to and from in May but generally, visitation days and times are very flexible, however we would like them to be consistent days and times. (i.e. every Thursday at 2:00)
If you know how to knit that would be a plus.
She has no serious medical issues but does need a steady arm to lean on when walking.
She's not always receptive to help so we need someone with an understanding of dementia.
Good communication skills a must.

Care Recipient

  • Female
  • Somewhat receptive to outside help
  • Age range: Over 85 years old
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Companion for our...

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Weekly 1:00pm - 3:00pm

$27.00 per hour

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