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In-Home Dog Training/Help Needed

Posted by Jennifer M. on 4/15/2024

  • Ventura, CA • 17 miles away
  • 2 pets
  • $50.00 per hour

Hello! I have a two-year-old chocolate lab who is fantastic but could use some help with learning to not pull on walks. I also have a four-month-old half lab/half German Shepherd who is new to the family and needs help with training. I am mostly looking to help the two dogs learn to interact together in a positive manner, as it seems like the new puppy is picking on the chocolate lab. I'd love to have someone come help work with them and teach me some tips, as well as help with not pulling on walks. I'm thinking maybe a few scheduled visits over the next few weeks/months. My timing is flexible and price negotiable, though the trainings would need to be evenings or weekends due to my work schedule. If this sounds like something you're interested in, please reach out. Thank you!

Care Needed for

  • Dogs
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In-Home Dog...

Ventura, CA • 17 miles away


$50.00 per hour
2 pets

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