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Dog sitting for small dog, overnight in my home in Fed Hill - 10 nights 5/23 - 6/2

Posted by Sophia D. on 4/8/2024

  • 1 pet
  • $60.00 per night

Hello! I am travelling internationally 5/23 - 6/2 and need a sitter for my dog as our usual sitter is not available. He's a poodle mix (13lbs) and is ~10 years old. He spends most of the day napping but does need someone at home most of the time as he has separation anxiety and can't be left alone for more than ~5 hours (I WFH). He's very loving and mellow but does not get along with dogs he does not know and is dog-reactive. He should not be around children as the noise and erratic movements scare him.

Overall he's a really sweet dog but needs someone who is experienced and provides a quiet environment for him. I'm open to him staying in a sitter's home instead if the sitter does not have big dogs or children, is home most of the time and has a quiet home.

Our condo is located in Fed Hill and is very large and clean. We have a guest room where the sitter would sleep.

Thank you! If this sounds like a fit for you, please reach out!


Care Needed for

  • Dog
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Dog sitting for...

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05/23 - 05/24 12:00am - Overnight

$60.00 per night
1 pet

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