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Vacation pet watching

Posted by Anders S. on 4/5/2024

  • 2 pets
  • $50.00 per day

Dogs need to be fed/watered, let out and possibly walked for the duration of our vacation. We will be home by 3pm on Monday the 27th. 3-4 times a day visits would be preferred. We leave 5/22 at around 4 pm.
Dog info: 4 year old Saint Bernard loving and affection.
11 year old- Husky shy but loves pets
Food: just fill the bowls with food and water and keep them full.
Walks just need to be to the park and back until the husky uses the bathroom. Poop bags will be provided.
Playing with the. Is easy as they are basically lazy.

Care Needed for

  • Dogs
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Vacation pet...

  • We

05/22 8:00pm - 9:00pm

$50.00 per day
2 pets

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