2 Pet Care Jobs Found
- $65/night
- Windham, OH • 21 miles away
Dog sitters
- 2 pets
- Overnight Pet Care
On an as-needed basis
In need for live in sitter for our dogs while on vacation . Pick up maul. Trash to curb daily pickup mail. Tend to our 3 ducks. Make sure the dogs receive a lot of play time
- $18/visit
- Akron, OH • 11 miles away
Pet Wellness Checks
- 2 pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
On an as-needed basis
I need someone to let my pups out (american staffordshire terrier -Aston and French Bulldog - Monkey D. Archer) at 6am - 7am. Feed them half a a cup of puppy chow, then wait 20 minutes to let them back out. Monkey is to be put in the cage. Then I need the pups taken out again at 6 pm - 7pm.