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Going on Vacation

Posted by Christina L. on 2/15/2024

  • 2 pets
  • $20.00 per night


I'm looking for a potential pet sitter for my 2 male cats. One is 14 years old, and the other one is almost 4 years old. Both are easy going. I would need them feed for breakfast and dinner. I have an automatic cat feeder that I can provide lunch to them. It would be around the week starting April 28th, maybe earlier or later, for about a week. I haven't booked the vacation yet, but my dates are flexible. Price is negotiable based on the job duties.

Care Needed for

  • Cats
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Going on Vacation

  • Su
  • Mo

04/28 - 04/29 12:00am - Overnight

$20.00 per night
2 pets

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