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House Hippo Sitter Needed

Posted by Casey D. on 4/12/2024

  • 1 pet
  • $20.00 per night


I'm Spirit, the 9 yr old house hippo (aka, pitbull)! My mommy is going out of town May 22nd through 26th and needs someone to watch me. I'm a very good doggy in the house, I like to sleep, most of the time, but I do enjoy walks. I like to do my toe taps when mommy gets the yummy snacks out. Oh...just a heads up, I'm really scared of bigger dogs...a few have tried to hurt me. I also like to eat bugs, or at least I try, but mommy won't let me. I like to eat 2x a day but I will occasional scrounge for human food.

Care Needed for

  • Dog
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House Hippo...

  • We
  • Th

05/22 - 05/23 8:00am - Overnight

$20.00 per night
1 pet

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