4 Pet Care Jobs Found
- $20/visit
- New Braunfels, TX • 22 miles away
Checking in
- 2 pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
- M
- T
- W
12:00am - 1:00am (flexible)
My 2 shih-tzus just need to be fed and a short play time while my I'm at work. They are 18 month brother and sister. No health issues. They are super cute and playful.
- $20/visit
- San Antonio, TX • 4 miles away
Just feeding
- 4+ pets
- Check-Ins/Visits
- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
9:00am - 10:00am
Just give food in morning and make sure the animals have water but not the farm animals I have that taken care of.
- $20/60 min walk
- San Antonio, TX • 9 miles away
Dog Walker
- 3 pets
- Dog Walking
- S
- S
10:00am - 11:00am (flexible)
Three dogs (All Females)
2 Huskies (age 7) / 1 Black Lab (age 16)
The dogs love to walk/jog/run. So if you want to get a workout in, feel free to run with them around the neighborhood! The dogs are trained and well mannered and love belly rubs.
- $12/visit
- San Antonio, TX • 18 miles away
Quote for Pet Sitter
- 1 pet
- Check-Ins/Visits
On an as-needed basis
Feeding, playtime, walking - pet will stay in the backyard - will be on a leash. Need to provide water and food. Once or twice a day.