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Feeding and Litter Box

Posted by Sara N. on 3/13/2024

  • Four or more pets
  • $15.00 per day

We have 3 cats: Jasper (solid white), Onyx (solid black), and Callie (calico). They are around 10 years old. They will need to be fed one scoop of dry food in the morning and 1/3 can each of wet food in the evening. We have 3 fish as well. They will need to be fed a small pinch of flakes every other day. The catfish will need 1/4 algae tab every other day in the evening.
The litter box will need to be emptied daily and the floor swept around the litter box to pick up litter.

Care Needed for

  • Cats
  • Fish
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Feeding and...


$15.00 per day
Four or more pets

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