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Need Someone to Come Take Care of Our Two Labs

Posted by Jenna H. on 4/8/2024

  • 2 pets
  • $35.00 per night

We have two male labs Ace who is 6 and Ripple who is 5. They are pretty easy going and enjoy a walk and some play time each day and could spend all day snuggling on the couch with you. They get fed twice daily with a few treats throughout the day. They enjoy being around people and don't love being left alone but they certainly do tolerate it. They are both crate trained well and do well on leashes (although we are still working on some pulling with Ace). We are looking for someone who is attentive, active, and reliable as you will be staying in our home.

Care Needed for

  • Dogs
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$35.00 per night
2 pets

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