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ADHD Dad - Document Scanning - Onsite - Immed start - Flexible schedule (Green Hills)

Posted by Ronald K. on 4/11/2024

  • $25.00 per hour

With ADHD, I struggle with repetitive things! So, I need someone to scan multiple (many) presentations using a phone camera. Contact me for more specifics.

Schedule: Flexible according to your availability - Daytime, Evenings and Weekends
Start Date: Ideally, starting this weekend (Saturday) with focused time during next week.
Duration: This will take multiple mornings / evenings / days
Who: College student, professional, retiree, high school student, job seeker
Location: Green Hills. Home Office.

- Basic technology familiarity - navigating Microsoft products (i.e. Powerpoint), using a smart phone, naming files, saving files in a logical structure, etc.
- Detail-oriented
- Organized
- Patient (this is not exciting)
- Ideally, some knowledge of business (but, not needed)
- Collaborative

Additional Details

  • Number of special needs care recipients: One care recipient

Age Groups

  • Adult


  • Attention Deficit Disorder
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ADHD Dad -...


$25.00 per hour

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