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Assist mother with groceries, dishes, transportation

Posted by Marian B. on 4/8/2024

  • $18.00 per hour

My mother had surgery for a broken ankle in February. Looking for someone to help her as she transitions back to independence. 3-5x per week for 2-4 hours per visit, flexible.

Mainly needs help with groceries, cleaning up dishes, transportation to appointments, possibly some cooking. Needs assistance setting up for a shower, and hand her a towel & her walker afterwards, but she does the actual showering on her own. She has a housekeeper for the main cleaning, but needs help with light laundry. She can walk using a walker with her foot in a boot. Is practicing stairs. No cognitive issues.

Care Recipient

  • Female
  • Very receptive to outside help
  • Age range: 75 to 84 years old
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Assist mother...


$18.00 per hour

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