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Flexible dog daycare for beagle with separation anxiety

Posted by Anthony Y. on 4/1/2024

  • 1 pet
  • $20.00 one way

Dog: Lulu, beagle
Age: 8 yo
Medical conditions: prone to seizures, in remission

I'm looking to drop off/pick up my dog Lulu for a few days during the work week. She has separation anxiety so I'm looking for someone who can be present the whole time. Note that she is destructive when alone and not in a crate. She has no needs outside of wanting to be petted and loved. She literally will sleep all day if you're around. Taking her for a brief walk may be necessary in the evenings. I work long hours (8-11+) and want someone who is flexible in schedule.

Available for drop-off at 7-7:30 am
Available for pickup at 5-7:30 pm
Within 5 miles of Hillsboro
Home most of the day
Able to give a short walk in the middle of the day.
Okay with dogs on furniture
Not watching too many dogs (someone watching 1-4 at a time would be ideal)
No need to feed anything aside from treats, I will feed her at home.

Care Needed for

  • Dog
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Weekly 12:00am - 10:00am

$20.00 one way
1 pet

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