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part time afternoon sitter for a toddler and baby

Posted by Emily G. on 9/14/2024

  • 2 children (Infant, Toddler)
  • $25.00 - $29.00 per hour

we are a family of 4 with two young boys, turning 3 and 1 in November. we are very active and like to play outside and explore connecticut. james (Dada) works in NYC so is gone most if the day while the kids are awake. emily (mama) is home with the children.
we need a sitter to supplement emily in looking after the 2 boys, especially in the afternoons and lead up to bed time.


  • Sitter has own car


  • Prepare Snacks/Meals
  • Light housekeeping
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part time...

Weekly Part-Time

$25.00 - $29.00 per hour
2 children (Infant, Toddler)

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