63 Babysitting Jobs Found
- $15–25/hr
- Grayson, GA • 12 miles away
part time sitter for happy 14m old
- 1 child
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
Hi there!
We are new to the area, looking for occasional sitting for our happy, sassy 1yo daughter. We also have 2 dogs who love their little person. Mom and Dad would like to go on (bi)monthly dates now that the baby is older.
We are looking for someone that will be active, engaging with our... More
- $15–18/hr
- Lawrenceville, GA • 16 miles away
part time sitter 4 days a week
- 1 child
- Babysitting
- M
- T
- W
- T
11:00am - 4:00pm (flexible)
My family consists of myself and my 2 sons who are a newborn and a 2 year old. My husband is a truck driver and is on the road the majority of the time. Temporarily my brother in law is living with us.
I work from home and have a 3 month-old. Need someone from 11-4 p.m or 10:30-3:30. Mon-thurs. I... More
- $10–11/hr
- Bethlehem, GA • 8 miles away
Occasional sitter for 10 month old infant
- 1 child
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
Hello everyone! I have a 10 month old infant looking for occasional/as needed sitter
In need of a occasional sitter as needed preferably with car to be able to meet for pick up and drop off
Located in Bethlehem Ga sitter would be as needed