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part time sitter for two energetic Toddlers

Posted by Tamia A. on 9/14/2024

  • 2 children (Toddler, Preschool)
  • $19.00 - $23.00 per hour

We are a family of 4 and have two amazing toddlers they are very well behaved and full of laugh and occasional cries . They are also vegetarian and very gentle
I need the sitter to babysit for a few hours, play games and feed them snacks and dinner. Prep them for bed time and make sure they are safe and secure in bed and sleeping when I arrive
I may come back before 3am


  • Prepare Snacks/Meals
  • Bedtime
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part time sitter...

  • Su
  • Sa

10/26 - 10/27 6:30pm - 2:30am

$19.00 - $23.00 per hour
2 children (Toddler, Preschool)

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