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At-Home day care style service needed, for two kids(2/5)

Posted by Alexander B. on 4/9/2024

  • 2 children (Toddler, Preschool)
  • $13.00 - $20.00 per hour

Just moved to Wichita. My Wife is working at Textron and I just retired from the military. Our youngest, Amelia, is learning potty training just use some more social interaction with kids her age. Oliver, 5, needs a lot more social interaction with kids his age. He still has accidents but has improved with his potty training since we’ve moved. This is comes as a high priority for he will starting kindergarten in the fall.
Give the kids some access to kids their age and help with potty training.
Schedule is pretty flexible. Along with building the kids social skills, I appreciate having a few days during the week to run errands and have a bit of a post retirement life.


  • Tutoring
  • Toilet training
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At-Home day care...

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Weekly 12:00am - 7:00am

$13.00 - $20.00 per hour
2 children (Toddler, Preschool)

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