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Occasional and part-time sitter for a sweet 2.5 year old. Flexible on days/ time

Posted by Tanna A. on 4/8/2024

  • 1 child (Toddler)
  • $23.00 - $30.00 per hour

Hi, my name is Tanna. We are new to the Santa Fe area and here through summer. My daughter, Zephyr, is 2.5 yrs old. My husband works full time and long hours and I am 5 months pregnant. I’d like to get my daughter as involved as I can in new things and experiences, opportunities among peers her age, and a break for myself. Looking for a sitter once or twice a week… possibly more if looking for more work!
Really just watching and entertaining my daughter. Meals, diaper changes and errands if comfortable driving with a toddler in the car.


  • Sitter has own car


  • Prepare Snacks/Meals
  • Driving the Kids
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Occasional and...


$23.00 - $30.00 per hour
1 child (Toddler)

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