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Seeking a sitter for 17-month old

Posted by Christy R. on 4/12/2024

  • 1 child (Toddler)
  • $20.00 - $25.00 per hour

Hello! We will be in the area (Lake Anna) for a wedding the evening of 6/21. I am looking for a sitter to come to our Air BnB for the afternoon/evening. My daughter will play until dinner (I'll have easy things for you to serve her) and then it will be bedtime routine, a little more play and down around 715 or 730. She will likely sleep the rest of the time you are there. There are no driving requirements while sitting, but you'll need to be able to get to the house and return home.


  • Sitter has own car


  • Prepare Snacks/Meals
  • Bedtime
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Seeking a sitter...

  • Fr

06/21 3:00pm - 11:00pm

$20.00 - $25.00 per hour
1 child (Toddler)

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