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Weekend sitter for a 3 year old boy with pets in an apartment

Posted by Chelsea W. on 4/13/2024

  • 1 child (Preschool)
  • $10.00 - $15.00 per hour

My son Leo is 3 years old and I have two cats and two small dogs in our apartment as well. They won’t need much care, but Leo still needs help eating, drinking/being fed his food I leave for him. He also has been potty trained for months, but still needs help before and after using the potty. He also talks a lot.

Would need sitter to stay in the apartment with him, keep him safe, play with and engage with him, help feed him his food and drink I leave for him, help him put his pants on after using the potty, and help him relax/wind down when he needs to nap or go to bed for the night.

Schedule would be Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday evenings from 4:30-8:30 or so, but that can vary as well.
Upon arrival to the complex, take the left side of gate, find my name to call to be buzzed in, and I am first apartment on the right in building 7.


  • Comfortable with pets


  • Toilet training
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Weekend sitter...


$10.00 - $15.00 per hour
1 child (Preschool)

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